Sept 2013
Henry is 13 months. We go pick up Hudson from kindergarten everyday. Henry loves it and it's just the sweetest. These are the days that will last forever in my heart. I say "Where is Hudson's window?" Henry runs up and bangs on the window and sometimes screams. Hudson gets so excited and waves and Henry gets so excited. Then, Henry runs up to Hudson when he walks out. Hudson, Henry may forget these precious moments, but you will remember them because you are 5 and these will be sweet memories. It's pure love. One day you didn't see Henry and you said, "Where was John Henry? I didn't see him in the window." Another day, Henry screamed really loud and I said I moved him away because he was so loud and Hudson said, "It's ok everyone loves it. They all know I have the cutest little brother."
Brothers forever.
I love you my sweet baby boys.