You had a play date with Jack Carpentar today. Historically, you and Jack but heads. He is 5 weeks younger than you, very independent and tough, like you. He has an older brother, Cash, who is 6. You think Cash hung the moon. So, when Cash and Jack are together, you completely ignore Jack and follow Cash everywhere. In the past, Jack has pushed you, you all have hit one another, and have not been able to share.
Today, however, it was a different story. You all got along beautifully! Melissa and I were so happy. Cash was at summer school and so that dynamic was gone, and it made things easier. We went to Chuck E. Cheese's and you all ran all over and played the games. Later, we went swimming and Cash was there. I thought this is when things would go bad and that you would just follow Cash around. I had a talk with you beforehand. I said, and this is something I will repeat over and over, "You have your own mind. Be a leader, not a follower. Do the right thing and make your own decisions."
You played with Jack the whole time and you were not hung up on Cash. I have never seen you all play so well together. I think you all have grown up a little and are starting to enjoy one another. I was happy that you had such a fun playing with Jacks.
I love you, Mamma

Jack and Hudson. Hudson is 3 years and 2 months, Jack is 3 years and 1 month. Many people think you all look alike. A lady at the pool asked me if you all were twins.
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